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Blue Lazuli is a wonderful shampoo, face, hand, & body soap. This blue soap gets its color from the indigo plant to match my goat Lazuli’s eyes. Every time I use this soap my skin and hair feel soft and new like a baby. I have formulated this soap with extra skin conditioning oils and botanicals with a sweet lavender lime essential oil blend.

This soap is for normal/dry skin and hair.

Blue Lazuli Goat Milk Soap

  • Olive oil for its nourishing squalene.                                                                  Goat milk for the lactic acid                                                                            Coconut oil for its hardness and ability to suds                                              Avocado oil with its fatty acid profile means not all of it can turn into soap.                                                                                                                    Sodium hydroxide to change the oils to soap.                                          Shea Butter for the extra conditioning feel.                                                  Almond oil because it adds silkiness.                                                      Castor oil because it is a great lather enhancer.                                              Lavender/ lime essential oil blend for scent.                                        Green sea clay for all the minerals.                                                              Indigo because it adds a lovely blue color and helps with dry skin. Calendula is for its soothing properties and yellow specks.          Vanilla powder to increase lather and soften the scent.

  • 1) Lather in your hands

    2) Wash your roots/scalp only

    3) Everything will come clean during rinsing

    When using Rabbit’s Foot Farm soaps as shampoo bars, we recommend allowing your hair two to six weeks to adjust and shed the chemical buildup. Your hair will likely go through changes during this time and then normalize. Some people need a vinegar rinse  ( ½ vinegar ½ water) and others don’t.

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